The Latest Buyer Profile for the RV Market Today!

The RV Industry Association (RVIA) is a leading advocate for the RV industry in North America, representing manufacturers, supplie...
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The Latest Buyer Profile for the RV Market Today!

The Latest Buyer Profile for the RV Market Today!

The RV Industry Association (RVIA) is a leading advocate for the RV industry in North America, representing manufacturers, suppliers, dealers, and campgrounds. It serves as a powerful voice for the industry when it comes to legislative and regulatory issues. From promoting the RV lifestyle to advocacy efforts, the RVIA is committed to ensuring that the industry continues to thrive. With a focus on innovation, education, and sustainability, the RVIA works tirelessly to promote the benefits of RV travel and its positive impact on the economy. Whether you’re a seasoned RV enthusiast or a first-time buyer, the RVIA is a valuable resource that you can count on.

On March 28th of 2023, The RVIA published an infographic with key information about the consumer profile of an average RV purchaser in 2022. This provides valuable data for dealerships of both new and used RV’s regarding which customer segments are the most likely to be interested. In this economy, data like this is worth its weight in gold; here are some of the highlights from the RVIA’s research:

– The Baby Boomer generation (Age 60+) are the least likely to purchase an RV, while the Millenials (Age 27-42) are the most likely. This matches with median age and income data, as the +25 demographic has the most disposable income to make the purchase.

– The majority of RV buyers are married couples with a combined income of approximately $81,000. This is reflective of the typical ‘traveling couple’ associated with RV culture on the web.

– 77% of “New Buyers” of RV’s purchased their vehicle directly from a dealership. However, 92% of RV owners purchased after-market parts or accessories as well. This indicates a preference for vehicles that were not previously owned, followed by a trend of general upkeep rather than replacement.

– The plurality of respondents indicate their RV’s primary purpose is as a long-term living space while working. This follows with the trend of increased remote workers in the post-lockdown labor market.

– The majority of new RV owners prefer private campgrounds and state/local parks. Although RV Resorts are still popular for their amenities, they are not a primary motivator for RV purchases.

– The majority of new RV owners have traveled under 200 miles from their point of purchase. That is to say, they consistently remain within 3 hours of their original home. This trend may change in the coming years as gas prices gradually return to affordable levels.

– Over 70% of RV owners traveled with 3 or more companions, often in multiple trips per year. This coincides with the data the the majority of RV owners are married. Compounded with further data that 32% of RV owners cited “avoiding travel hassles” as a motivator behind their purchase, and the picture is clear. RV’s have become an affordable way to take family trips whenever its convenient, rather than waiting on plane tickets and other inflexible transportation options.

What Conclusions Can Be Drawn?

Generally speaking, the RV industry remains healthy, even in spite of the recent lockdowns and economic recession. Young people aged 25 and up are still the majority of RV purchasers based on this survey from the RVIA. The majority of them are married, and usually purchase an RV so they can continue to produce consistent work remotely, while still seeing the sights of the United States.

While trains and planes offer an inflexible and expensive experience, RV travel circumvents these issues by providing the freedom and reliability that young millennial are seeking from their travel options. While an airport may delay the flight and force you to pay for a hotel out of pocket, the RV is your home on wheels. No unexpected charges, no lost baggage, no invalid tickets; everything is in your hands.

Here at Equalizer Hitch, we specialize in trailer and towing products that, much like RVs, allow Americans to experience the beauty of our nation from the open road. Whether you’re driving an RV or looking for a trailer hitch, the Equalizer Team is happy to see Americans taking hold of their dreams and fulfilling them by exploring the nation, one stop at a time.

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