How Equal-i-zer Goes the Extra Mile to Keep Your Family Safe

Enjoy your RV journey with peace of mind, knowing the best care and detail went into the design and production of your Equal-i-zer...
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How Equal-i-zer Goes the Extra Mile to Keep Your Family Safe

How Equal-i-zer Goes the Extra Mile to Keep Your Family Safe

Enjoy your RV journey with peace of mind, knowing the best care and detail went into the design and production of your Equal-i-zerĀ® hitch. Our in-house engineers have expert knowledge in sway control and keeping families safe on the road. They work each day to ensure the hitch is exceeding customer expectations in function, form and value.

Lon Crouch and Jason Harper, a couple of our in-house engineers, took a moment to give us a behind-the-scenes look at engineering.

Why is it important to have in-house engineers?

“Many manufacturing companies outsource their engineering,” said Lon. “We find having in-house engineers provides a safer product for our customers. We come into work every single day with the specific focus to continually improve our product.”

What do you test for on the hitch?

We test for everything! More specifically strength, durability, functionality, ease of use and quality.

What tools do you use?

Calipers, hardness testers, 3-D computer-aided design, wheel and tongue scales and several more. We also use the occasional hammer when things aren’t cooperating.

What is the most interesting thing you have found when testing?

“When I started with the company, I had towed a lot with and without weight distribution, but never had used the Equal-i-zer,” said Jason. “People in the company told me the Equal-i-zer was the best for weight distribution and sway control. I, by nature of being an engineer, was skeptical and needed it proven to me. I thought it was probably just another hitch, and that everyone says their own products are the best. Since then, I have done many tow tests with the Equal-i-zer and nearly all the other competitor hitches. I very quickly learned the Equal-i-zer really is the best in durability, performance and ease of use.”

How does our testing keep people safe on the road?

We push the Equal-i-zer past its limits and purposely abuse it to expose any possible weaknesses. Then, we address any issues we have found to make the hitch even stronger and safer.

What advice do you have for Equal-i-zer owners?

1. Jason advises Equal-i-zer owners to take the time to learn how to identify if their hitch is properly set up, and the weight is correctly distributed. He also encourages Equal-i-zer owners to lubricate the hitch at least twice a year (See our infographic below). Towing is serious business and demands respect. The safety of everyone on the road, including yourself and your family, depends on it.

2. Lon said, “Notify customer service if you are having issues with your hitch so we can get it corrected, and if necessary, add steps in our QC inspection procedures so it doesn’t happen again in the future. We want you to be satisfied with our Equal-i-zer products!”