Fun Facts About American Manufacturing and the Equal-i-zer Hitch

Did you know for every $1 spent in American manufacturing, another $1.81 is added to the economy? In 2016 manufacturing goods in t...
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Fun Facts About American Manufacturing and the Equal-i-zer Hitch

Fun Facts About American Manufacturing and the Equal-i-zer Hitch

Did you know for every $1 spent in American manufacturing, another $1.81 is added to the economy? In 2016 manufacturing goods in the United States alone contributed $2.18 trillion to the economy. It adds up quickly!

Over the past few decades there has been tremendous growth in American manufacturing, and this month we are excited to honor and recognize manufacturing.

For over 70 years Progress Manufacturing, home of the Equal-i-zer hitch, has championed American manufacturing and been committed to building American’s favorite hitch – in America. From the steel the hitch is made of, down to the box it’s packaged in, it’s 100% American made. By being exclusively made in America we have been able to provide fulfilling jobs and a top-quality product.

Learn more about the history of manufacturing and the Equal-i-zer hitch by clicking on our timeline.